The Track
A Section Blog
How to use AI for SEO content without sacrificing quality
Why most corporate learning offerings suck (and how to fix it)
What percentage of employees actually use the skills they learn in L&D programs at their jobs?
Twelve percent.
If these numbers sound rough, that’s because they are...
7 steps to writing a powerful sales pitch
In life, great stories can have a profound impact. Hence why you (we) wept like a baby at the end of Titanic.
But great stories don’t just belong on the big screen. Their power belongs in the business world too. The key to a sales pitch that wins clients, gets business, and drives results? You guessed it. Storytelling.
In this post, we’re going to walk you through positioning master April Dunford’s sales story framework. This is the narrative that helps you easily communicate the unique value of your product to customers.
3 proven ways to get customers to share your product
Here’s a simple fact about human nature: The better something makes someone look, the more likely they are to share it.
You probably noticed this on your Instagram feed at the end of last year, when a metric ton of your friends shared their Spotify Wrapped playlist.
What makes sharing the Spotify Wrapped playlist so irresistible?
The science-based secret to being more productive at work
Have you ever sat in a 9 a.m. meeting with your team and wondered why one person is jacked up on coffee and firing off ideas, and another person looks like they just woke up from a 100-year sleep?
You might think, “Well, the first person is just more productive. They’re good at their job, whereas Steve is a useless lump. Duh.”
But actually, it’s not that simple. These two people probably have different chronotypes – meaning they’re inclined to sleep, work, and recover at different times.
Do this exercise to get more meaning from your life
It's about pinning down your "ultimate why," according to Berkeley Haas professors Sahar Yousef and Lucas Miller.
The 10 essential business skills every person (or team) needs
I’m sure we’ve all had this thought over the course of our career: “I wish somebody could give me a playbook on how to be great at my job.”
Well, we’re here to tell you that being a great strategist isn’t a natural talent or a magic trick. It’s a list of critical skills that, when mastered, make you indispensable.
Why shadow AI is probably happening in your company
We surveyed over 5,000 knowledge workers in the second half of 2024 on AI knowledge, skill, and usage. One of the most troubling takeaways: AI use is happening, whether your company sanctions it or not, and the implications are huge.
Why most organizations aren’t ready to deploy AI
In September, we re-ran our AI Proficiency Survey to over 5,000 knowledge workers across the US, UK, and Canada. Our biggest takeaway: The knowledge workforce is vastly unprepared for an AI-augmented future.