The Track
A Section Blog
How to use AI for SEO content without sacrificing quality
Section now has a mobile app!
Download the Section app in the Android or iOS store to watch and complete courses on the go.
How to become a Chief of AI
Pitch yourself as Chief of AI using this AI job description and talking points.
8 secrets to great AI prompting
Learn how to write a prompt for ChatGPT that gets a great result.
The science-based secret to being more productive at work
Have you ever sat in a 9 a.m. meeting with your team and wondered why one person is jacked up on coffee and firing off ideas, and another person looks like they just woke up from a 100-year sleep?
You might think, “Well, the first person is just more productive. They’re good at their job, whereas Steve is a useless lump. Duh.”
But actually, it’s not that simple. These two people probably have different chronotypes – meaning they’re inclined to sleep, work, and recover at different times.
How to know if NFTs are right for your business
Pop quiz. When you hear the word NFT, do you think:
💪 I know exactly what an NFT is and how to use it for my business
🤔 I think I understand what NFTs are, but I have no clue if they’re relevant to me
🤢 Argh! I should know what NFTs are, but thinking about them makes my head hurt
If you answered the latter two options, you’re not alone. Don’t worry – we sat down with NYU Stern Professor Sabrina Howell to simplify it for you.
Why shadow AI is probably happening in your company
We surveyed over 5,000 knowledge workers in the second half of 2024 on AI knowledge, skill, and usage. One of the most troubling takeaways: AI use is happening, whether your company sanctions it or not, and the implications are huge.
Why most organizations aren’t ready to deploy AI
In September, we re-ran our AI Proficiency Survey to over 5,000 knowledge workers across the US, UK, and Canada. Our biggest takeaway: The knowledge workforce is vastly unprepared for an AI-augmented future.