The Track

A Section Blog

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March 15, 2022

3 proven ways to get customers to share your product

Here’s a simple fact about human nature: The better something makes someone look, the more likely they are to share it.

You probably noticed this on your Instagram feed at the end of last year, when a metric ton of your friends shared their Spotify Wrapped playlist.

What makes sharing the Spotify Wrapped playlist so irresistible? 

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
10 mins
For students
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March 15, 2022

The science-based secret to being more productive at work

Have you ever sat in a 9 a.m. meeting with your team and wondered why one person is jacked up on coffee and firing off ideas, and another person looks like they just woke up from a 100-year sleep?

You might think, “Well, the first person is just more productive. They’re good at their job, whereas Steve is a useless lump. Duh.” 

But actually, it’s not that simple. These two people probably have different chronotypes – meaning they’re inclined to sleep, work, and recover at different times. 

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
7 mins
For students
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March 15, 2022

Why we’re opening up unlimited access to sprints

I was talking recently with a Section4 student, and I let him know that we would soon be giving members access to all our sprints for $995, about 1% the annual tuition of an MBA. 

“That’s incredible,” he said. “I’m so excited – my mind is blown.”

Then he paused.

“Why are you doing that?”, which is a polite way of asking “What’s the catch?”

There isn’t one. And here’s the answer as to why.

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Greg Shove
Greg Shove, CEO
5 mins
For students
For companies
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January 27, 2022

Your step-by-step guide to a winning product strategy

Former Netflix VP of Product Gibson Biddle explains how to build a product that delights, makes money, and beats the competition.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
4 mins
For students
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February 19, 2024

The biggest lessons from Tinder’s Matchmaker feature

We're diving into the product strategy behind Matchmaker, a new feature from Tinder that lets you share your potential matches with friends and family. Read on for our take on why this development is a product engagement win.

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Greg Shove
Taylor Malmsheimer, Head of Strategy
5 mins
For students
Product strategy
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November 21, 2023

What does the OpenAI implosion mean for you?

Tens of thousands of GPT developers (and other OpenAI true believers) watched in horror over the weekend, asking themselves: “Is my commitment to OpenAI and their technology going to turn out to be a massive mistake?” Section CEO Greg Shove doesn't think so. Read his take on what’s happening at OpenAI and what it means for you.

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Greg Shove
Greg Shove, CEO
5 mins
For students
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March 29, 2024

Pi had a million users. So why did Inflection just implode (and take Pi with it)?

Microsoft just cannibalized a company it was a lead investor in and took its chatbot down with it. Here's what that means for other AI startups.

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Greg Shove
Greg Shove, CEO
7 mins
For companies
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March 15, 2024

3 drills to teach your team AI, using AI

L&D might be dragging their feet on training your team on AI (we’ve seen it firsthand). So, use AI itself as your team coach.

Read The Article
Greg Shove
Section Staff
8 mins
For companies

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