The Track

A Section Blog

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May 18, 2022

How I use Product Strategy frameworks to win client business

How do you make your product stand out in a sea of competitors? Product Strategy alum Justin Lee shares his approach.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
3 min
For students
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May 12, 2022

Will your big idea work? 3 ways to manage risk

Building a new product is nerve-racking, especially if you’re taking a shot at something that’s never been tried before.

Will it end up being a YouTube or a Quibi? An iPod or a Zune? If it fails, will you ever be able to bounce back?

Luckily, you can build confidence by reducing risk. That’s where product experimentation comes in.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
3 mins
For students
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April 27, 2022

How to know if NFTs are right for your business

Pop quiz. When you hear the word NFT, do you think:

💪 I know exactly what an NFT is and how to use it for my business

🤔 I think I understand what NFTs are, but I have no clue if they’re relevant to me

🤢 Argh! I should know what NFTs are, but thinking about them makes my head hurt

If you answered the latter two options, you’re not alone. Don’t worry – we sat down with NYU Stern Professor Sabrina Howell to simplify it for you.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
7 min
For students
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April 13, 2022

Can't stop checking your favorite app? Here's why.

Have you ever been bored and caught yourself checking Instagram just seconds after you closed it?

I’m sure you didn’t reopen it because you had an overwhelming urge to see more pics of your college roommate's lunch. You did it without thinking, like it was second nature.

If that sounds familiar, then I hate to break it to you: You have a habit.

And what’s more, that habit was built intentionally – by the people who designed your app.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
3 mins
For students
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March 3, 2023

3 proven ways to get customers to share your product

Here’s a simple fact about human nature: The better something makes someone look, the more likely they are to share it.

You probably noticed this on your Instagram feed at the end of last year, when a metric ton of your friends shared their Spotify Wrapped playlist.

What makes sharing the Spotify Wrapped playlist so irresistible? 

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
10 mins
For students
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March 3, 2023

4 proven business strategies from NYU Stern Prof. Scott Galloway

Growing a business can be rough. Even after you’ve drafted a masterful business plan and secured enough capital to see it to fruition, you’re still facing an uphill battle.

In fact, 65 percent of businesses fail within their first 10 years.

So how do you beat the odds? You can start by leveraging these four winning concepts NYU Stern Professor Scott Galloway lays out in his upcoming Business Strategy Sprint.

We’ll break them down.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
3 mins
For students
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March 29, 2024

Pi had a million users. So why did Inflection just implode (and take Pi with it)?

Microsoft just cannibalized a company it was a lead investor in and took its chatbot down with it. Here's what that means for other AI startups.

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Greg Shove
Greg Shove, CEO
7 mins
For companies
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March 15, 2024

3 drills to teach your team AI, using AI

L&D might be dragging their feet on training your team on AI (we’ve seen it firsthand). So, use AI itself as your team coach.

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Greg Shove
Section Staff
8 mins
For companies

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