Vet Your Business Idea Bootcamp

Turn your great idea into a launch-ready business in three months

$1,495for the full program + founder credential
Discount for alumni and existing members 
Launching fall 2023

only 100 spots available postitGroup of women discussing a business plan

Turn your great idea into a business plan in three months

The playbook for founding a business is different in 2023. In three months, we’ll teach you the smart way to build a company today – from using capital efficiently to incorporating AI into your strategy.

12-week bootcamp

3-5 hours per week, built for busy professionals

Intensive courses

with proven entrepreneurs like Scott Galloway

Live sessions

on leadership, fundraising, hiring, and using AI for productivity

30-60-90 day plan

you can use immediately to launch your business

1:1 coaching & feedback

from execs at HBO, Netflix, and Meta

Lifetime access

to a 100-person cohort of ambitious founders

You'll walk away with:

A rock-solid business plan (strong enough to apply to Y-Combinator, if you choose)

The start of a website or pitch deck

A network you can actually use, not just connect with on LinkedIn

You’ll learn to avoid common mistakes like:

Spending money on sales and marketing before you have real product-market fit

Picking the wrong co-founders and early team hires

Selling more product with bad unit economics

Join us for an exhilarating three months, and walk away with a plan you can use immediately

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Who it’s perfect for

Builders and bootstrappers

who want to build a business, whether it’s enterprise SaaS, cupcake delivery, or an accounting firm 

Aspiring founders

with an idea and some initial evidence, but no solid plan for how to get started

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Who it’s not for

Professionals who want to start a Solo Consultancy

(visit our Launch Your Solopreneur Business Bootcamp for that) 

Founders who already have a vc investment

Founders who already have VC investment or have raised a seed round

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Join the waitlist

Start learning for free

• Watch 3 free on-demand lessons every month
• Experience our flagship intro course for free
• Access Section's full catalog of courses

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