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How to use AI for SEO content without sacrificing quality
How to Build a Business with AI
Getting a new business off the ground comes with a lot of moving pieces – and AI can automate a bunch of them. Here's how Ashley Gross built an online community with one person and $400 a month using AI.
How an AI expert built agents for Toyota and Universal Theme Parks
Brian Kolodny has designed chatbots for 37 Global 100 companies. Here's how he used them to create better customer experiences for Toyota and Universal Theme Parks.
How to build custom GPTs that can do your grunt work
AI-powered products are the future. But for those who don’t have the time or resources to build something in-house, custom GPTs are a good low-fi solution. Here's how to build one.
The 5 best ways to use AI from Dan Shipper, Every CEO
Every CEO Dan Shipper plays with AI for a living. He shared his top 5 best ways to get immediate value from AI.
Can't stop checking your favorite app? Here's why.
Have you ever been bored and caught yourself checking Instagram just seconds after you closed it?
I’m sure you didn’t reopen it because you had an overwhelming urge to see more pics of your college roommate's lunch. You did it without thinking, like it was second nature.
If that sounds familiar, then I hate to break it to you: You have a habit.
And what’s more, that habit was built intentionally – by the people who designed your app.
3 proven ways to get customers to share your product
Here’s a simple fact about human nature: The better something makes someone look, the more likely they are to share it.
You probably noticed this on your Instagram feed at the end of last year, when a metric ton of your friends shared their Spotify Wrapped playlist.
What makes sharing the Spotify Wrapped playlist so irresistible?
Why shadow AI is probably happening in your company
We surveyed over 5,000 knowledge workers in the second half of 2024 on AI knowledge, skill, and usage. One of the most troubling takeaways: AI use is happening, whether your company sanctions it or not, and the implications are huge.
Why most organizations aren’t ready to deploy AI
In September, we re-ran our AI Proficiency Survey to over 5,000 knowledge workers across the US, UK, and Canada. Our biggest takeaway: The knowledge workforce is vastly unprepared for an AI-augmented future.