The Track
A Section Blog

How an agency is preparing for AI clients

5 steps to solve the tough problem in front of you
The ability to solve tough problems isn’t an innate talent or a magic act – it’s a process. Learn a step-by-step framework to break down problems and solve them in a data-driven way.

4 data-driven tricks to win your customers’ hearts
For consistent sales, you need a long-term relationship. According to Google’s Neil Hoyne, It starts with a better conversation — and smarter questions.

The 10 essential business skills every person (or team) needs
I’m sure we’ve all had this thought over the course of our career: “I wish somebody could give me a playbook on how to be great at my job.”
Well, we’re here to tell you that being a great strategist isn’t a natural talent or a magic trick. It’s a list of critical skills that, when mastered, make you indispensable.

Do this exercise to get more meaning from your life
It's about pinning down your "ultimate why," according to Berkeley Haas professors Sahar Yousef and Lucas Miller.

What you actually need to know about how AI works
Right now, AI chatbots seem like magic, and that’s dangerous. It makes it easy to overestimate their abilities. You don’t need to know every technical detail of how AI works – but you do need to know enough to understand its limitations.
Dive into what you really need to know about how AI works.

How we built a generative AI bot
By summer 2023, we were convinced we needed to use AI to improve our student experience. From August to October, we designed, built, and prototyped an AI course tutor called ProfAI. In today's post, we'll walk you through how we did it.

EY's Global Head of AI: Don’t rush to prove AI ROI
If you feel like you’re falling behind because you haven’t figured out how to make a bulletproof investment in AI, read on for John Thompson’s take on why you actually need to slow down and stop sweating the ROI.

Staying silent on AI is almost as bad as banning it
The piece of data from our latest AI Proficiency Report that we can’t stop thinking about: Silence on AI breeds more AI skepticism than an outright AI ban. So if you’ve been gathering your thoughts on AI, now is the time to put them in writing.