The Track
A Section Blog
How I use AI to help my boss prepare for board meetings
Can ChatGPT write a positioning strategy?
ChatGPT can do a lot of amazing things. So what happened when we put it into an MBA-level positioning course?
Want to build the next Airbnb? 4 steps to get started
Airbnb changed the way we travel without purchasing any hotels. Uber made it easier to get around without amassing their own fleet. And DoorDash took care of breakfast without cracking a single egg.
The common thread between these companies is that they’re platform businesses. Rather than selling products directly, they’re providing a platform that conveniently connects sellers and buyers.
How do you follow in their footsteps? Here are four steps that can help you build a platform of your own.
Why we rebranded (with a minimal amount of yogababble)
Let's skip the glossy merch shots and talk about the actual process of rebranding your company.
The financial statement every leader should understand (and how to analyze it)
Analyzing financials doesn't have to be scary. We break down the P&L statement in an easy-to-grasp guide you'll want to bookmark.
Can't stop checking your favorite app? Here's why.
Have you ever been bored and caught yourself checking Instagram just seconds after you closed it?
I’m sure you didn’t reopen it because you had an overwhelming urge to see more pics of your college roommate's lunch. You did it without thinking, like it was second nature.
If that sounds familiar, then I hate to break it to you: You have a habit.
And what’s more, that habit was built intentionally – by the people who designed your app.
3 proven ways to get customers to share your product
Here’s a simple fact about human nature: The better something makes someone look, the more likely they are to share it.
You probably noticed this on your Instagram feed at the end of last year, when a metric ton of your friends shared their Spotify Wrapped playlist.
What makes sharing the Spotify Wrapped playlist so irresistible?
Pi had a million users. So why did Inflection just implode (and take Pi with it)?
Microsoft just cannibalized a company it was a lead investor in and took its chatbot down with it. Here's what that means for other AI startups.
3 drills to teach your team AI, using AI
L&D might be dragging their feet on training your team on AI (we’ve seen it firsthand). So, use AI itself as your team coach.