The Track
A Section Blog

How an agency is preparing for AI clients

How did Twitter's blue check mark go from status symbol to total embarrassment?
In less than six months, Twitter's blue check mark "verification" has gone from a status symbol for the rich and famous to a warning sign associated with Elon fanboys and trolls. We unpack what happened, using lessons in brand strategy and viral growth.

Which skills matter? Employees and L&D leaders don’t always agree [research]
Which skills matter in the modern workplace – to get promoted, to get ahead, to impact the business? It turns out that employees and learning leaders don’t always agree.
We recently surveyed 10,000 students and 250 learning leaders on the skills that are their biggest priority in 2023.

5 steps to pick a winning investment
Whether you’re the investor or the investee, the six-step Risk-Reward Framework can put you on the right path.

Can ChatGPT write a positioning strategy?
ChatGPT can do a lot of amazing things. So what happened when we put it into an MBA-level positioning course?

What you actually need to know about how AI works
Right now, AI chatbots seem like magic, and that’s dangerous. It makes it easy to overestimate their abilities. You don’t need to know every technical detail of how AI works – but you do need to know enough to understand its limitations.
Dive into what you really need to know about how AI works.

How we built a generative AI bot
By summer 2023, we were convinced we needed to use AI to improve our student experience. From August to October, we designed, built, and prototyped an AI course tutor called ProfAI. In today's post, we'll walk you through how we did it.

How an AI expert built agents for Toyota and Universal Theme Parks
Brian Kolodny has designed chatbots for 37 Global 100 companies. Here's how he used them to create better customer experiences for Toyota and Universal Theme Parks.

Google Gemini vs. Microsoft Copilot: Which is right for your business?
Gemini for Google Workspace and Copilot for Microsoft 365 both promise to enhance productivity. But which one gives you the most bang for your buck?